Hey lovely, the holiday season is upon and it’s much different then most. I usually would want to write about how to take care of yourself during the busyness of the holidays, with non-stop dinners, parties, and socializing.
This year is obviously very different. Due to the current pandemic, there is a different type of self care we have to implement. Depending on where you are in the world, your holiday season might look a little different from the rest. Where I am, all of our socializing has been cancelled, and we are being instructed to stay home and not visit with any family or friends. For a lot of us, this is very isolating and upsetting. We have lost something. It’s ok to feel that way. It’s also ok to be glad, that the pressure of hosting and attending all of those events is off for now. Whatever you feel, it’s ok!
So, I have put together a little self care guide to get you through the holidays. Scroll down to check out my 5 self care tips for the holidays.
During the holiday season, be sure to do these 5 of things to take care of yourself.
1. Accept how you’re feeling and validate it.
You’re feelings are information. They are not there to make your life harder. They are your body’s way of telling you if something is OK, or not OK in your life. Your feelings signal to you if you need to make a change, accept something, protect yourself or reevaluate something. Start allowing your feelings and listening to what they are telling you. Whatever you are feeling during the holidays, take stock of it. One of the reasons people don’t like being home bound with nothing to do is they don’t want to face their true feelings. People are so used to being and staying busy, so busy that there is no time to feel what’s brewing beneath the surface. While this may sound totally acceptable to you, you may even say what’s so wrong with that? If you really want to be happy and at peace with yourself, and live an authentic life (which is why I think you found your way to my blog!), then you have to start facing your feelings. They are the pathway to loving yourself and living the life you’ve always dreamed of living.
2. Connect with loved ones virtually if you can’t physically.
Connection with people is very important. If you’re living alone, or living with people with whom you cannot be your authentic self with, then make the effort to virtually connect with someone you are close to, someone who you can speak freely with and be your true self with. Also make time to virtually see the family and friends you are missing, and would normally want to see at this time of year.
3. Do not skip out on your traditions.
Do you normally host a Christmas brunch? Or a fancy Christmas Eve dinner? Do this tradition anyway! (Just with your own household). Or start a new tradition that you will enjoy with your closest people, it’s a good time to try new things. Do a special activity you would normally not get to do because of how busy it usually is.
4. Be thankful for what you do have, and the people in your life.
No matter what we have, it will never give us sustained happiness if we do not remember to be grateful for it. I bet there are goals you have worked on this year, growth you have experienced, or lessons you have learned this year. I mean its 2020, everybody grew and learned something I believe! Now is a perfect time to reflect upon how far you have come, on what you have overcome, on what you have improved about your life and yourself, and on any accomplishments you have achieved. It’s also a perfect time to be thankful for the good health you do have, and the relationships that I’m sure have been tested this year and have made it through. For the friendships that have deepened, for the bonds that have solidified over this year, or maybe for what you have finally had the insight and courage to release and walk away from. Being grateful for what you already have, and have done, is the key to feeling content in your life.
5. Continue with any self care you already are doing.
Whatever you have already been doing, no matter small or insignificant it may seem, continue doing it. Now is not the time to regress and make matters worse. I have been waking up earlier then my family, and this is the best thing ever! In years past, I would look forward to sleeping in during my winter holidays, but then I would always feel like I am playing catch up through out the day. I truly need an hour or more to myself each morning before I have to be “on” for my kids. So even though I don’t have to get up early right now, I am making the choice to do this, and it’s definitely worth it.
Check out my self care routine here.
I am planning on baking cookies with my kids (and eating them of course!), reading, watching movies, doing Christmas puzzles, and video calling with my friends and family whom I would normally see during the holidays.
I am also planning on continuing my self care routine, of long walks outside (rain or shine 🙂 ), reading, journaling, meditating, and just aiming to be present and mindful throughout the day. I find when I do this, whatever my day throws at me, I handle it better. Check out my Instagram for regular uplifting posts, especially when you need a pep talk or some inspirational words.
What are your plans for this holiday season? I would love to hear in the comments below!
I hope these 5 tips have helped you get a handle on how you can take care of yourself this holiday season. No matter what you can do, it’s better then not doing anything at all. Don’t be tough on yourself if you haven’t been on your self care game. We all fall off our routines and wellness rituals when life gets tough. Just forgive yourself and do better next time!
2020 christmas self care self care for the holidays self love