Hello lovelies, I know you are here because you are also someone who is working on their personal fulfillment in life, and working on improving how you feel about yourself.
I am quite happy with who I am right now, and how I see myself. But this was not always the case. I was not self confident, self assured, or secure. I was by far, the very opposite of all of this.
I struggled with my mood and self worth on a daily basis. I was constantly feeling high levels of anxiety, and a lot of the time I experienced self loathing. I couldn’t stand some of the circumstances of my life and I was on a downward spiral of blame, misery, and hopelessness. I also often isolated myself from my family and friends, and most of my relationships suffered as a result.
I knew I needed to change something.
Nothing, and no one was able to fill the void I was feeling.
I longed for someone to make me feel understood.
I longed for someone to be my perfect person, who was always there for me, supported me emotionally, and validated what I was feeling and going through.
“I longed for someone to be my perfect person, who was always there for me, supported me emotionally, and validated what I was feeling and going through.”
But no one could fill those shoes, at least not as often as I needed.
I had wonderful people in my life. However, what I was asking for was too much for any one person to give me.
I had to learn to give this to myself.
I always knew this. But it was not an easy fix.
Throughout my life I learned that I was “too much”. I was “too sensitive”, and “too emotional”. I cried easily, and I carried hurt in my heart that other people did not understand or validate.
This is the part of me that I loathed. Why could I not be stronger? Why couldn’t I shrug things off easily like other people could? I was constantly comparing myself to the people in my life, trying hard to be like them, trying to do life how they did life.
But that was all wrong.
Until I learned to love the parts of me that I had been taught were unlovable, nothing changed.
When I started looking inwards instead of outwards, things began to turn around.
Things changed drastically after I became a parent. As a mother to small, innocent, helpless baby, I realized that no matter what this child, did, said, or felt, I would completely, and undeniably accept him, and love him with my whole heart. He deserved love, no matter what.
I realized, I too, was once this innocent and pure soul, and I too, deserved this kind of unconditional acceptance and undeniable love. We all do. Every person has good inside of them. I truly believe that.
And so I began the process of accepting myself. The good, the bad, and the sensitive.
There was nothing wrong with me. (I am not perfect, no one is, but I am not “too much”, I am not “too emotional”, and I am not “too sensitive”).
Overtime I learned that the the qualities I saw as flaws were actually my strengths.
My sensitive side is what allows me to be nurturing, empathetic, and genuinely concerned for the well being of others. I am introspective and creative, and this is who you see on this blog!
I cry easily because my heart is open, and I feel things very deeply. I would not change this for anything. I love this about myself.
I’ve evolved into the person I had longed to have in my life. And I feel stronger then I ever had dreamed possible.
I started really listening to myself, to my emotions.
I accepted who I was, and who I wasn’t.
I stopped trying to be like other people, and instead learned how to just be myself.
There is so much more to my story, which I hope to share with you one day, but for now, I am happy to share with you what sparked my discovery of self love. It’s been a beautiful journey. I hope this post helps you to see that you are not alone, and that change is possible for you as well. If I can turn things around, so can you. I truly believe that.
Sending you love and light my friends,
mental wellness motivation personal development personal wellness journey positive mindset positive thinking self care self love self love journey soul therapy