It’s OK to be where you are right now, exactly where you are. In fact, it’s exactly where you are supposed to be.
You may wish certain factors were not present in your life right now, or certain problems were resolved, and they all will be in time. However, wanting to rush to the other side of this journey would rob you of the most satisfying personal growth you can experience and enjoy.
Each time I wished a circumstance would go away, or magically resolve itself, I realized I just wanted to be on the other side of it so I didn’t have to deal with it anymore. Not only did that ever happen (can you relate?), but soon after this inner turmoil peaked, I gave up fighting it. I surrendered, I released all of the control I was exerting, and I let go.
Not because I somehow knew this would lead me to a solution (which it did), but because I didn’t know what else to do, and I didn’t want to feel this torn up anymore. And in doing so, I allowed life to flow, and soon enough, things changed.
It wasn’t the outer circumstances that changed first. It was the inner circumstances within me that first shifted. By. letting go, by allowing things to move ahead for me, without my micromanaging, real improvements actually started happening, every time.
I began to notice a pattern, and that is what I want to share with you here.
- I felt lighter, freer, not giving a F and just beginning to focus on daily things, small joys, finding peace and contentment in my everyday routines and rituals (like my self care routine).
- Every time the topics that frustrated or upset came up in my mind, I diverted my attention to something that felt more pleasant to focus on.
- Positive energy started building, and eventually snowballing into a greater sense of joy and happiness (even though that original problem was still not resolved).
- This positive energy brought many perfect situations and circumstances to me, that felt exhilarating and life giving, things I wasn’t even expecting, or had thought about.
- I realized I didn’t need that situation resolved in order to feel good, I was feeling good anyway, and lots of good things were happening in my experience anyway
- I had an epiphany. I learned something about myself that was very significant and meaningful to me, which ultimately was the lesson in the whole situation.
- The thing I was worried about no longer mattered, went away, resolved itself, or a new solution came to light that I never would have discovered in my initial energy and perspective on the matter.
- Which led to me upleveling, living a better life and experience than before I had started this chapter, and experienced this “problem”.
Now if I had just gotten what I thought I had wanted initially, when I just wanted the whole situation to be over, I never would have got to experience the pure satisfaction of this exact journey, and learned this beautiful truth about myself.
All of this has shown me, that the problems we experience in our lives are in fact leading us to a better version of ourselves and our lives, and it’s the apparent problem itself, that is calling in our uprising and evolution.
How we get through the problem, is ultimately what our lesson and upleveling is, and was supposed to be the whole time. Isn’t that brilliant?! I love how life works :).
I wanted to share this with you in case it helps you with something you are currently struggling with. Let go and allow life to show you the way. You are always going to be guided, the solution will always come, you just have to let it.
Sending you my love & light,