Hey lovelies, I hope you are doing well and taking care of yourself as best you can right now.
I have been reading pretty consistently lately, and it has had a profound effect on me. (I want to share this with you, in hopes it will inspire you to do the same!)
I have begun to crave the uplifting feeling I feel when I absorb a meaningful piece of knowledge (which I call a gem) from the book I am reading.
These gems transform me. They take me from a lower vibe to an empowered, higher vibe. Where I feel like I can overcome my struggles, where I can grow through what’s bothering me. I feel like I have direct support from someone who has been through their own struggles, and is generously willing to share, to teach, to shine their light upon me, the reader.
That is what a good self help book will do for you. It will uplift you, it will guide you, it will aide you on your self love journey.
Today I want to share with you a few of the books I’ve read this year, and am currently reading. I hope they do for you what they have done for me, if not more! 🙂
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The Power of Now, by Ekharte Tolle
I did not know what to expect from this book, other then that it was a classic and that it was apparently an easy read. So I was quite literally blown away at the massive amount of gems that immediately impacted me upon starting this book. The first one being, and I’m paraphrasing Ekhart Tolle here: “You are not your mind. Your mind is a tool, and it is using you.” Needless to say, this made my jaw drop.
So I kept reading. And my jaw kept on dropping. I learned so many things!
I learned to not fear the future, and to release the past. I learned that true peace lies in the present moment, in the now. I learned to be a witness to my thoughts and anxiety instead of interacting with them, and empowering them. I learned that negativity is a complete waste of time, and the reason we engage in negative thinking is because we think it will get rid of the thing we don’t want or like. However all it does is perpetuate things and give you more of what you are disliking. I learned that surrendering to the present moment will give you clarity, peace, love and freedom, and that’s what is, the power of now.
I highly recommend this book if you are ready to expand the way you perceive your life and your problems. If you are tired of feeling trapped by your thoughts and your fears. This book will push you past your old dysfunctional habits, allowing you to transcend and rise to an all new level in your life.
I listened to this book on Audible, and I am so glad I did. I took my time over 6 months, listening, re-listening, taking notes. I did not rush through this book at all. In fact I highly recommend you never push yourself to rush through a self help book, just to finish it. The whole point is the knowledge you will absorb, the skills you will learn, and the journey you will take as you reflect on the gems, and apply them to your own life. And it takes time to do that. You may be on a certain chapter for weeks or a month. I don’t see the point of moving forward in the book until I have mastered the previous lesson.
That’s exactly what I did with all of the books I’ve been reading. And with The power of now, the concepts were very different from anything I had ever heard about before, so it took me quite a bit of time to process, learn, and apply them. And just like with any good self help book, I’m sure every time I read it again, I will learn a whole new batch of things, this time coming from my new perspective, with the knowledge I have already gained.
 Super Attractor – By Gabrielle Bernstein
This book also changed my life! It brought me closer to my spiritual side and guided me into tuning into my intuition. It introduced to asking for spiritual guidance, and become open to receiving signs from the Universe. This book taught me that we are never alone and that the Universe has a plan, that’s much better then my plan. I learned that I can always choose to forgive my fearful thoughts, and choose love instead. The aim of this book is bring you to tap into your power as a super attractor, manifest anything you desire into your life, and have faith in the unseen while you get there.
I often refer to this book as my “bible”, and that is because I turn to it on a daily basis for inspiration and guidance. Whenever I read a self help book, I highlight and highlight like it’s nobody’s business. There are two reasons for this. The first being that as I highlight an important passage, I reiterate it to myself and absorb it fully. The second reason is, when I am done with a chapter or a book, I like to flip it open to a random page, and read the highlighted portion as a quote for inspiration. If you have never tried that before, I suggest you do!
  The Universe Has Your Back – By Gabrielle Bernstein
This book actually was written before Super Attractor, but I came across it after starting Super Attractor. So you may want to read them in the reverse order. This book aims for you to realize exactly as it says on the cover, that the Universe really does have your back. From this book I learned that we are not separate from one another, that we all want to have peace and love , and that the majority of peoples’ actions stem from the need to receive love or to protect themselves from not receiving love. I learned that the painful situations that come up in our lives are our spiritual assignments, and by choosing to accept them, we can finally heal the wound, feel the feeling below what triggers us, and move past them, all while growing spiritually.
This is another one that I turn to often for support, guidance and inspiration. There is so much to each of these books, and I am only mentioning some of the key areas. Each of these books is definitely worth the read, otherwise I would not ever mention them here!
Spirit Junkie – By Gabrielle Bernstein
I just started this one, and so far I love it! I am learning all about how we can choose to listen to the voice of love instead of listening to the voice of fear, and how our Ego has a bag full of nasty tricks that it uses to keep us stuck in fear and separateness.
I will update on this one when I am all finished with it.
I have also purchased the deck of cards that come along with this book (as well as for Super Attractor, and The Universe Has Your Back). They are amazing and perfect for a reminder of the key points in the books, as well as a daily dose of inspiration.
I have linked all three decks here:
Think Like A Monk – By Jay Shetty
I also just started this one, and I honestly cried tears of joy and gratitude after getting into the first chapter. I felt so grateful that this book came to me at exactly the right time. I actually find that is the case with all of the self help books I have read and loved. I may purchase or receive a book at a certain time, but not feel like reading it yet at that point. I find I am always drawn to it, or guided to it, at precisely the right time where I will apply the gems from that particular book to my current life lesson and life situation. It always seems to work out that way for me. Has that ever happened to you? I would love to know, let me know in the comments.
So far with this book, I have learned that monks have the key to true inner peace, so we should look to them, learn from how they think, to emulate that and apply it ourselves as we navigate through the modern world that we live in. I’m learning that my true purpose in life is to be of service to those around me, and to the world.
I can’t wait to read the rest!
Another one I have recently started. I know, I know, how can I have three book on the go at once? Well, let me explain :D. This book I am listening to on Audible. So when I am out for a walk, or sometimes when I am driving to work, I turn on my audible and listen.
The other two (Think Like a Monk & Spirit Junkie), I am reading on alternate days, or switching every few days. The reason why I have started doing this, unintentionally I might add, is because as I mentioned earlier, I don’t move forward in a book until I feel I have fully absorbed and applied that section of the book. So while I am living my life and allowing that particular lesson to sink in (I find life has a funny way of offering up a problem so we can apply what we have just learned!), I will turn to the second book for my reading pleasure. This works out quite nicely for me, and more so, I enjoy having variety in what I read, so I don’t get sick of what I am reading, and it feels fresh and exciting every time.
Anyways, back to Inner Glimpse! This is by the same author as Manifest Now, which I have linked here on this post. Inner Glimpse is another gift from the Universe for me. By listening to it on Audible, I feel like Idil Ahmed is speaking directly to me, and I am being mentored and guided by such a great and inspirational woman. So far I have felt moved from my very core, inspired to break through my old limiting patterns, and to own my inner power and uniquegift. Idil Ahmed has a way of reaching you in your soul, inspiring you to love yourself and believe in the love of the universe, and to know you have special purpose here on this planet, and you deserve to, no you must, realize your true potential.
If there is anything you take away from this post, it’s not just that reading self help books can drastically change your life (which they can). It’s that when you feel stuck, when you feel like you’re lost, and you want a way out, but no one seems to quite understand exactly what you’re going through, reading the right book can break you out of that nasty rut. Reading the right book can help lift you up when you’re down, encourage you when you’re scared, and guide you when you’re lost. The right book can be the teacher, the mentor you always wished you’d had. I hope one of these books, or any other you come across at exactly the right place and at exactly the right time, does just that for you. You deserve it my friend.
Do you have any book recommendations? I would love to hear them in the comment section below!
Thank you lovelies,
inspirational books personal development books reading self care self love self love books spiritual books