Hello friends! I celebrated my birthday this past week, and I made a few promises to myself. I want to share these with you in case you or someone you know need a reminder of how to make a positive change in your life.
Keep reading to read the promises…
I promise myself I will accept and love myself the way I so easily accept and love others.
I promise myself I will stop forcing things that are not working.
I promise myself I will stop chasing things that make me feel like I am not good enough in this moment.
I promise myself to stop applying so much pressure on myself to be a certain way.
I promise myself I will choose my well-being over perfection.
I promise myself I will be as kind and forgiving with myself as I am to the people I love most.
I promise myself I will work on myself for myself, so I can be the best version of myself, for me!
(pin this for later!)
These are things I already have been working on in my life. However sometimes life gets in the way, and I neglect to take care of my self the way I know that I should be.
Lately, I felt I wasn’t taking care of myself the best I could, and I was suffering because of that.
But I know, that making these simple changes, and promises to myself, I will (and already have started to!) feel better.
I want this for you too. Give yourself permission to put your wellbeing first. Taking care of yourself in this way is the best thing you can do for you and your loved ones. Be the best you that you can be. You will never regret giving more love to yourself. I promise you that.
“You will never regret giving more love to yourself”
Let me know what promises you want to make to yourself lovelies.
Bye for now,
a promise to myself personal development promise to yourself self care self love