Hey friends! It’s that time of year again. Where we think about what we want to improve about ourselves and our lives. If you’re like me, you do this periodically throughout the year, but I still like to take advantage of the fresh start that the new year provides.
All we really want is to be happier. All of our external goals and news years resolutions boil down to one notion; that they increase our happiness, and thus make us happier.
Well guess what? True happiness is an inside job my friends. It doesn’t come with having a life or body or career that looks perfect on the outside. True happiness comes from being happy with yourself.
Read on below to find out firstly, how to get yourself in the mindset of having a better year next year. And then secondly, a brief guide to feeling happier with yourself. Because truthfully, these two things go together, hand -in-hand!
Ok, to have a better year next year, here are:
3 simple but significant questions to ask yourself:
- What went well in the last year? What did you do that you are proud of. What do you want to hold on to, and take with you into the new year?
2. What are you ready to say goodbye to? Let go and cleanse your self of the negative or painful things that have kept you down this year.
Part of that is accepting the lesson that experience taught you. Take something meaningful from it, either about yourself, or about your understanding of life.
3. Imagine the best version of yourself. What does that look like? What does that feel like? Are you kinder, braver? Are you more loving and forgiving? Is the best version of you less afraid of what others think of you?
This year, aim to be a better version of yourself. As long as you are growing, you are moving in the right direction. You don’t have to reach a certain standard, set by other people or society. You just need to be happy with yourself. That is the ultimate goal. Love yourself, love your life. Keep doing you. This time next year, you’ll want to look back and be proud of the progress that you’ve made.
“You just need to be happy with yourself. That is the ultimate goal”.
What do you want to accomplish this coming year? Where do you want to be when this time arrives next year, and the next new year is on the horizon? What aspects of your life do you want to improve? What do you need to do to be happier with yourself?
Find a place to write all of this down. (Also a great time to start a journal!)
Now, lets get down to business. If you are ready to find true happiness, you’re going to have to do a lot of reflection and self work. It’s totally worth it though. When you are happy on the inside, your life will follow suit.
I have a cheat sheet on how to be happier with yourself, if you need one:
To be happier with yourself, work on these 4 areas:
1.Self acceptance – the good and the bad. Take stock of the qualities you admire about yourself, and the ones you are not so proud of. Guess what, no one is perfect. We all have flaws, but we need to see ourselves as the whole package. Our positive attributes outweigh the negative ones, and we as a whole, are still worthy of acceptance and self love.
2. Self – compassion – Be more forgiving of yourself; you are trying your best after all. Instead of being hard on yourself for your perceived mistakes, look at the situation/secenario as you would if it were your best friend. You would tell them to notice the silver lining in the situation, and make changes moving forward.
3.Self – improvement – Set some goals, (not in stone, but general goals for areas to grow in). Work toward something. Do it for you. Savour the process, not the end result. Envision yourself in a positive state. Enjoying yourself, enjoying life.
4. Self – investment – invest in yourself. Invest your time in yourself. All of that time you give to others so freely, take some of it back. Invest your energy back into your own life. Spend your energy and time on loving yourself, on bettering yourself. Stop giving it away so freely to others (especially when they are draining you).
I truly hope you find what you’re looking for this year. Don’t give up on yourself or what’s possible for you. Everything is within your reach. Keep thinking positive, keep being grateful for what you already have. Keep loving yourself and others. Good things will start to happen. You have just have to believe.
Happy new year friends! Sending you peace and love ❤️.
how to be happier how to be happy inspiration inspired females motivation New Years resolutions self care wellness