Hey y’all! So I wanted to share the insides of my desk with you today. I believe having a super organized space will add to the peace you crave in your home office, and not to mention add to your efficiency! I love knowing where everything is, so I don’t have to go searching when I need a paper clip or a post it note, or my favourite pink sharpie!
Part of this is always putting an item I used back where it belongs, as soon as I am done with it, and before moving on to something else. This way I don’t have a pile of stuff to put away all at once, and my desk drawers stay looking pretty good. 🙂
Here is a photo of my top drawer. Here I house my sharpies, pens, pencils, scissors, post its, you name it. Basically everything I need to write down a note, draw a sketch, or paper clip everything in sight!
My second drawer houses my note pads, planner stickers, push pins, washi tape, and some decorative clothespins, that I don’t really use! I think I’ll swap those out for something that I actually use, and need to store in that space instead.
My bottom drawer is my filing cabinet. I don’t have too many files, as I don’t do client work at the moment. My past client files have been boxed up and stored (with labels of course!), and currently this drawer has more than enough space for me to contain all the files I need.
Previously I had some not- so-nice looking brownish green hanging files and file folders. They bothered me for so long, and I finally decided it was worth switching over to something that was easier on my eyes!
I really like these light grey hanging file folders, and ivory files. They really soften up the whole look of this drawer, and I feel like they fit in with the aesthetic in my office :D!
Some people ask me if my office actually stays looking this clean. And to be honest, it usually does! It’s part of what makes me happy when I walk in here each time. I love looking around at all the pretty! If my desk is covered with notes and odds and ends, it just takes away from the feel of the space. There are definitely times when I’m in a rush or just overwhelmed with things, so I might abandon my workspace, in the state it was in. But I’ll usually make a point to come back in and restore it to it’s original state. Either that , or the door will stay shut so I don’t have to look at the mess every time I pass by!
I’d love to hear about how you keep your desk drawers organized. Let me know in the comments below!
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