What is your gift? You might not believe this yet, or even want to accept it. But you are here for a reason. You hold something unique and special, that noone else in this world has. And you need to get in touch with that.
Well because it’s part of your purpose. Your life’s purpose, the reason why you were put here on this earth. You have a potential to fulfill. A calling. We each have one. This is something I know.
So how do you get in touch with that?
You have to start listening to your inner voice. That tiny little voice inside of you that seems to disappear when it’s been ignored for too long. But guess what, it’s always, always there. It’s a part of you, so it doesn’t go anywhere. It just get’s buried under all the other noise that’s going on inside of your head. You just have to start paying attention to it again. And slowly, but surely, it will get louder. And you will know you are on the right path.
Chances are that if you are reading this, you want to feel more inspired, more motivated, and live with more purpose. I do too. That is why I am sharing this with you. I know you can have that life you’re imagining. And it starts with getting to know yourself better. It starts with listening to yourself, and finding whats important to you, and what makes you feel alive.
What does make you feel alive?
What can you spend hours doing, without realizing how much time has gone by?
What gets you excited?
What do you wish you could more of, given the time and resources?
For me, I feel alive when I am styling and decorating, when I am capturing beautiful moments on camera, when I am writing something inspirational, when I am helping others find their passion. That makes me feel alive. I know that is my gift, or at least part of it anyway. Maybe finding our gift is an ongoing process. Maybe it evolves as we evolve. But the truth remains, you have a unique way of seeing the world, and an even more unique contribution to make to it! I promise you, if you want to be happier, which I’m pretty sure you do, you owe it to yourself to find your gift.
finding your passion inspiration mental wellness motivation self love self-help wellness