I’m definitely not one of those people who is obsessed with new year’s resolutions. Not by any means. But one thing I actually want to do this year before the calendar changes to 2017, is make my home clutter free. And I am not just talking about the places in my home that are visible..I’m talking about the extra closets, storage room, and even (gasp), the garage!
I just really want to start off 2017 feeling fresh and light. I mean c’mon, who doesn’t? I have lots of other goals and things I want to improve on once the new year starts, but before I can get to that, I really need to have a clear and clutter free home, where I feel like I can breathe and relax, and not feel weighed down by all the extra junk we have been lugging around, and storing for way too long.
A little back story is, that we moved this past year. Twice. Yes, we were one of those families. The one’s you see packing up and moving house, and then doing it again halfway through the year. The one’s you see,and say to yourself, I would never keep moving house like they do, or how in the world are they moving again?! Ugh.
Well, it wasn’t ideal. That’s for sure, but it was our circumstances at the time. Now we are settled in, hopefully for the long haul, and there were items that we moved around with us, (twice) that really didn’t need to be dragged along. And now I just want to be free of those things, once and for all!
Which items am I talking about?
Items like :
- my newborn photography equipment (from my past business venture, which I gave up)
- old clothing from recent years, that I haven’t worn in at least a year or more.
- old seasonal decor which we have already replaced and have totally forgotten about.
- books I will never read again
- old duvets and bedding that I’ve since updated and replaced.
- and more!
Basically it’s all stuff I no longer have a use for. And if we ever moved again, I would definitely not want to take it along. So it’s got to go.
Here are my tips for decluttering your home, so you can start 2017 fresh:
1. If you haven’t used it in a year (or more), it can probably go.
2. If you haven’t used it in 5 years, it can be burned. (ha! or just donate it, to keep it simple)
3. Ask yourself, if my house burned down, and I had to start all over in a new home, what would I need? Keep only those things, and don’t keep the rest. Chances are if you have forgotten about something for a year or more, you won’t miss it.
4. If you are not sure about needing something in the near future, keep it where you will see it ( let’s say your entry closet, or on your kitchen phone desk) and give yourself a chance to use it. If it doesn’t happen in a reasonable amount of time, then you know it needs to go.
5. If something is sort of sentimental, and you feel guilty getting rid of it, take a picture of it. You will still have the memory of it, but you get to free up some space.
6. If something is really sentimental, then hold on to it, put it in a keepsake box, and treasure it.
7. Ask yourself, what’s more important? That I hold on to all of these physical objects that remind me of times past? Or that I am grateful for those times, and for the present, and I can let go of the physical item, so that I can live peacefully now?
Believe it or not, physical clutter has a way of creating mental clutter. And mental clutter equals unnecessary stress. So do yourself a solid and get rid of your old stuff.
8. Let go of the guilt of getting rid of things you have spent money on, or things that meant something to you in a different time, but no longer do now. You don’t have to hold on to these things forever, it’s ok to let it go. Give yourself permission to move on.
9. If you are not using these items, is there someone less fortunate that could benefit from receiving it? Think of how useful your “junk” could be to someone in need.
10. Picture the end result: a home that feels light, airy and fresh. Where you will feel calm, and even content looking around at it, instead of stressed and overwhelmed. Don’t you deserve that?
You totally do!
Start 2017 off fresh, and with a clean, and clutter free home!
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declutter get organized how to declutter how to organize organized home