Hi lovelies,
I hope you are having a great start to the new year. If you have heard my podcasts or read any of my other posts, you may remember that I usually don’t make resolutions for the new year, but instead I set intentions and I work on becoming that version of myself, rather than only focusing on the physical actions.
I know that I need to do the energetic work before I take any action. I know that inspired actions always nets better results than forceful action taken out of fear or negative energy.
I know that feeling worthy of the outcome I want is most important and telling of whether I will get there or not, and how I will feel along the way.
Usually the inner work is about realizing we are worthy of what we want, and unlearning all of the reasons why we think we are not.
We can have anything that we want, and in fact, the fact that we want it indicates that part of us, our soul is already at our desired outcome and enjoying the view, while the rest of us is learning to catch up with it. We want what we want, because our soul is already there, calling us toward it. Accepting this ends the inner battle of whether we should even bother pursuing our goals or if we are better off abandoning them, and staying safe, right where we are.
We want what we want, because our soul is already there, calling us toward it.
We are always better off following our dreams, for they will not leave us, even if we try to give up on them. We cannot shake off what we are meant for and what is meant for us. It will always remain, nudging at us, until we are finally ready to open up to it and allow it in to our lives.
In my latest podcast episode, I go over all of this and more, providing you with practical tips to prioritize yourself and your energy, so you can better become the version of yourself that you want to be. Before taking any physical action, we can work on improving our energy, our self belief, our relationship with what we desire, and our overall mindset, so that when we do take action, it is aligned with our intentions, and we in turn see better and smoother results.
If you think about everything that is working out well in your life already, the relationship you have with it is quite positive. Your thoughts are supportive, your energy is high vibe, your overall experience is a good one with this topic. Your energy and this result are a match, and that’s why you continue to experience this in your life.
With other areas in our lives, the ones we are working on, setting goals about, or trying to improve, if we look at how we feel about them, it’s often quite negative. We feel bad about ourselves in regards to this matter, and we don’t love ourselves well in this area, at least not until we have seen improvement or progress.
What we often do when we want to improve something is start with a negative attitude, exert physical force and action, be really hard on ourselves until we see a small result, and once we begin to see small progress, only then do we allow our energy to change and improve towards the positive.
For example, if you are working on losing weight, you may start off on your journey feeling really strict, rigid and tense. Maybe fearful you won’t get there, or worried about it in some way, shape or form. After a little while of being on this path, you’ll start to see some progress, perhaps once you’ve noticed you’ve lost 5 lbs, and your energy will begin to shift. You will start to feel lighter, you will start to feel worthy of achieving the desired end result, and you will likely feel more positive overall, that you are on the right track, and this is working out for you.
After this significant milestone, you’ll find the rest of your journey fruits quicker and bigger results, not because of the physical actions you’re taking, which are the same as you were already doing before, but because of the internal shifts that have taken place. Because of your energy, mindset and beliefs.
You can actually tap into this positive energy before beginning your physical journey, and this will result in a much different and improved experience. You will see better results from the initial stages, and you will feel better along the way, already knowing you’re a match for what you want, and moving forward with certainty that it’s already yours. Your actions will be clear and fruitful, your experience will be enjoyable and satisfying, and the results you achieve will be far beyond what you could have initially even imagined for yourself. Because you’ll have the power of positive energy backing you, and when you are aligned with that, there is nothing you cannot do, be, or have.
So this year lovely, before taking your physical journey, focus on your inner journey first. Give yourself love, give yourself time, and give yourself positive energy, so that you can get to where you want to be, living your life as the version of yoruself you have always dreamed of becoming. You can do this lovely, I know you can!
If you’re interested in hearing more (I talk about how to work on your energy here), check out my latest podcast episode:
Sending you my love and light,
goal setting goals manifestation personal development positive thinking