Placing your focus on your own energy, actions, and intentions instead of on others’ will free up so much space in your mind.
We can’t control what others do or say, how they react, how they show up or how they don’t.
We may want things from other people, need them to be there or be a certain way, however ultimately we cannot force or control anything outside of ourselves.
All we can do is tune into our own hearts and desires, get clear on what we want, set that pure intention and decide we are going to move forward with that energy.
We have control over own energy. We can focus it on what we want, rather than what we don’t want.
We actually don’t need other people to be a certain way for us to get what we want. We actually just need to embody the energy of our desires and intentions and that energy will attract things that match that from our environment.
You can lead a good life and fulfil your wants and desires.
You don’t need others to cooperate, but *you* need to cooperate by getting clear minded and focusing your energy on you and your path and eliminating distractions such as other people’s actions and behaviour, or lack thereof.
It doesn’t matter what they are doing. No one can take you off your path unless you let them. Unless you focus on them and spend your energy reacting and fixating.
What’s for you remains constant for you, no one can take it. It’s yours, waiting for you. Waiting for you to focus and embody the energy it. For you to keep walking your path until you get there.
You will get there. Just focus on you lovely. Tune out the rest.
Check out this podcast episode for more!
inner guidance manifestation positive mindset self love soul path