“I am complete”
-Idil Ahmed
Happy new year lovely . Don’t go into this year thinking you are incomplete, and you need to do XYZ to fix yourself. Instead, go into this year knowing you are already complete, and you already accept yourself, and apply that new energy you’re feeling to bettering yourself, bettering what’s already there inside of you.
Apply that energy to understand yourself, to learn about your true nature, to being there for yourself. Understand what’s important to you, set goals and work towards them. But don’t, think you are missing something, don’t view yourself as incomplete. You already have everything you need inside of you, you just need to get rid of the extra stuff on top that’s not allowing you to see that.
If you want to work on your body this year, do it from a place of love, not hate. Accept and love your body for what it is right now, and all that it has done for you and carried you through your entire life. And then work on being more fit from that place. Feel good each time you move, stretch, and strengthen. Savour that feeling. That is what will keep you going. Notice the daily improvements and how you feel better each day. Don’t base your success on the numbers and sizes.
If you want to accomplish and achieve success in your business or work this year, remember how smart you are and how much value you have to offer the world, and start from there. Don’t hate yourself through this. Love yourself through this instead. Set goals in small steps and be proud of yourself for each one. Don’t expect to do it all in one step. It will be a series of small steps that will lead you to where you want to go. Always remember your worth and value, and that it’s not determined by how others perceive you or your work/product/offer. Believe in yourself first, and the world will follow. You have to see the whole vision and how it plays out before the world will see it. So keep going lovely.
If you want better relationships this year, first work on your relationship with yourself. Validate your own feelings, fill your own cup, take care of your own heart before your expect someone else to. Love yourself the way you want someone else to love you. And then let your love overflow onto your partner. Also watch your intentions, are you giving affection/ attention just to “get” love? Or are you giving with the intention of just sharing your love? This will solve a lot of your issues in relationships. Love yourself first and let your partner love themselves first too. And then love each other from that place.
All the best this year my loves,
abundance mindset inspiration mental wellness new years mindset self care self love tips
This really inspired and helped my whole self reflection/self growth journey…..thank you
I am so glad to hear and even happier to have helped with your self growth journey ?✨.